Brito Farm Tractor

Revolutions Generators


Artwork description

The image of the Farmall tractor is iconic of American farming before the advent of Big Agriculture. This digital 3D model used in several Revolutions Generator WebAR apps was produced from a hand-held scan of the actual tractor that serviced the Brito Family Farm in Presidio, Texas. The tractor helped harvest crops along the U.S./Mexico border, and was used for other farm-related purposes, such as ferrying water tanks and inebriated community members.

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About the artist

Revolutions Generators is a collaboration between artists Ismael de Anda III and Eugene Ahn. The project investigates notions of territorialization/ re-territorialization/ de-territorialization by intersecting imagery, memory, and data expressive of the U.S./Mexico Gateway, where de Anda was raised, with interactive media created by Ahn.